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WE ARE VIENNA #befirst

Training at Vienna Nachwuchs

Vienna is an innovative developing club with the aim of offering young talents, girls and boys alike, the opportunity of a sporting and personal education. The “blau-gelbe Kaderschmiede” is an attractive partner for players throughout Eastern Austria and beyond.

Through the First Vienna Football Campus and the "Hohe Warte" as a springboard, we offer our talents the opportunity to progress to adult football. Many examples show that the path from First Vienna FC to an Austrian top club or a foreign professional club is not unrealistic.

We take a holistic approach to the development of our young players and our guidelines are based on the pillars of sport, personality, and education.


Sports education - Men

Our junior teams play in the highest WFV league of the Vienna Football Association, starting with the U7s up to the U18s.

With a clear training and playing philosophy, our talents get the best possible sporting training in every development phase. We provide ideal conditions to accompany them on their career path.

© Cynthia Fischer Fotografie
Kerim Abazovic (Player First Team Men)
„I saw First Vienna FC as an opportunity. Right from the start, the club supported me and I felt the trust of the coaches. Here you get an honest chance to make it into the first team. I am grateful and proud to have taken advantage of it.“
Kerim Abazovic (Player First Team Men)

Sports education - Women

First Vienna has a broad-based women's youth development programme and is producing a high- quality First Vienna FC women's top flight team. A significant contribution is made to the creation of breadth in all-Austrian women's football.

The basic training comprises 3 development phases. The top talents among the junior players are offered our individual development programme, which provides them with additional support on their way to top-level sport.

If you are interested, you currently have the opportunity to attend a trial training session: Sichtungstraining Mädchen | First Vienna FC 1894


Sarah Mattner (former First Team Women's player)
„Vienna gave me the chance to get a taste of playing for the first team at a very early stage and that helped me a lot in my development. I've always felt confident and the future prospects for young talents also make the club so interesting.“
Sarah Mattner (former First Team Women's player)


In addition to the sporting training, the development of the personality of each player is a central element of our philosophy. This is done in particular through the shared values lived on and off the pitch. At First Vienna FC 1894, it is our concern not to primarily deal with rules, but rather with personal responsibility in the interpersonal area and in the interaction between "players, coaches and parents”.

Our code of values should be our daily companion and remind us all of our responsibility and sense of duty:

Each individual is responsible for the WE...WE are a TEAM.... WE are VIENNA!


Georg Fuchs (Founding Chairman Vienna)
„Togetherness in the game leads to the goal.“
Georg Fuchs (Founding Chairman Vienna)


In addition to the personal and sporting development of the talents, we also focus on school and vocational training. By working with cooperation schools and the "Bauakademie", we try to create an optimal environment for the compatibility of school/education and sport. It is important for us that our young players do not neglect their school and vocational careers. In case of doubt, school education enjoys priority in our concept.

Depending on the type of school, morning training is also offered from the upper school onwards. We are happy to answer your questions in person or by e-mail.

Our partner schools:

SMS 2 – Sportmittelschule
Wittelsbachstraße 6, 1020 Vienna

OMS Dietmayrgasse
Dietmayrgasse 3, 1200 Vienna

SMS 21 – Sportmittelschule Floridsdorf
Pastorstrasse 20, 1210 Vienna

ORG Gymnasium am Augarten für LeistungssportlerInnen
Karajangasse 14, 1200 Vienna

HAS für LeistungssportlerInnen
Pernerstorfergasse 77, 1100 Vienna

BAUAkademie Wien
Laxenburgerstraße 28, 2353 Guntramsdorf 


Any questions? Organisation & Contact